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The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2021 states: 


‘Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe, and happy childhood is important. Good parenting and high-quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.’



The Four EYFS Principles: 


Unique child - every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident, and self-assured. 

Positive relationships - children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships. 

Enabling environments - children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers. 

Learning and development - children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.  


The framework covers the education and care of all children in early years provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities. 


The EYFS areas of learning and development: 


There are seven areas of learning and development.  All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected.  


The prime areas are: 

•communication and language 

•physical development 

•personal, social, and emotional development 


The specific areas of learning are: 



•understanding the world 

•expressive arts and design 


The prime areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, for building their physical strength, fine and gross motor skills, and capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.   These form the foundations for the development of learning linked to the specific areas. 

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