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Year 7 Catchup Premium Grant

The Department for Education provides all schools additional funding for Year 7 pupils who did not who did not achieve the expected standard in reading or maths at the end of Key Stage 2. High Park School receives this additional funding for all our Year 7 pupils.

At High Park School, progress is measured during the academic year and targets for progress are set for each individual pupil, appropriate to their learning needs.

Each year we are required to report on:

  • How much Year 7 catch-up premium funding was received for the current financial year

  • Details of how the funding will be spent

  • Details of how the Year 7 catch-up premium was spent in the last financial year

  • How it made a difference to the attainment of the pupils who attract the funding and how you assessed the effect it had

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Review of 2017-2018 strategy

For 2017-2018, our allocation was £4,000. The funding was spent on the following:

  • Access to an interactive music session from School of Rock and Media (SORM) which enables pupils to develop their social skills, as well as promoting functional English and maths skills.

  • Additional Occupational Therapy to support the development of early Maths skills using a range of sensory and physical activities.

  • Additional Speech & Language Therapy to support the use of Intensive Interaction to promote learning in English.

From September 2017 to July 2018, 100% of pupils made expected progress or better than expected progress in writing, 100% in reading, and 100% in number.


Year 7 Catch-up premium strategy 2018-2019

For 2018-2019, our allocation is £5,500 (tbc). It is intended that the funding will be spent on additional Occupational Therapy to support the physical well-being and the continued development of structured physical activities to promote readiness for learning to developmentally appropriate English and maths activities.

Bespoke and engaging English and maths resources

Strategies used are reviewed on an ongoing basis, and where a strategy is deemed no longer appropriate for a pupil, alternative strategies are used to maximise each pupil’s progress.




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